pátek 28. prosince 2007

Report on internet usage at school (more Counter-Strike!)

Poslední ukázka mého domácího úkolu v angličtině. Takovýhle report poslat řediteli školy, tak tam žák asi skončí :)

The purpose of this report is to:
- inform about current use of Internet at school
- evaluate it ' s benefits and disadvantages
- estimate the improvements planned for the future
This report was prepared in collaboration with sample students from all classes.
Current usage
Two main groups of people are benefiting from our broadband connection, with a third and forth following.
- Videogame players, mainly our school Counter-Strike team, which is currently training for the world championship in Korea.
- Porno downloaders.
- Students whose library visits are being thwarted by lazyness.
- Day-to-day email checking and web browsing.
Benefits and disadvantages
The main benefit of Internet at school is that people can train for Counter-Strike leagues at any time and be in touch with their clan-mates even during lessons.
On the other hand, there is the disadvantage of constantly interrupting teachers, especially during crucial matches or clan meetings and strategy planning.
Plans for the future
- Strenghtening of the line for more bandwith capacity.
- Periodic renewal of the hardware in each classroom.
- Financial support of less wealthy students who are unable to buy specialized accessories, such progaming mice and keybords.
- Introduction of a rule allowing students to punish teachers interrupting during league matches.

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