čtvrtek 15. listopadu 2007

Informal letter to a friend

Dopis popisuje skutečnou událost a názorně ukazuje, jak fungují britské služby a úřady. Každý vám tu dosvědčí, že když vás jeden úředník odmítne, stačí si počkat na jiného nebo zaskočit na jinou pobočku a služba vám bude ochotně poskytnuta. PS. osobnost pisatelky jsem trochu přikrášlil, za což jsem si od učitelky vysloužil poznámku, že riskuje cirhózu jater.
Dear Laura,

How are you doing? Everything fine with your dog, I hope. Sorry for not being in touch for so long, but I've been very busy lately. You know how it is, boyfriends, girlfriends, wild parties, hangovers, more parties, more hangovers, and the other stuff gets pushed aside.
Anyway, something utterly amazing happened to me and I want to share my story with you. I've been a millionaire! Only for a couple of days, though. It started when I approached an ATM to check my balance and a Ł34.000 figure appeared on the screen. Where could a student struggling to make ends meet like me get that sum? Impossible, absurd! And guess what, that's not the end of it. Now you'd better take a seat before going on reading. Are you sitting? The next day, there were 500.000 pounds on my account! And by the end of the week I was a millionaire. Unbelievable, isn't it?
Everybody kept convincing me to take the money and disappear on some God forsaken island in the Pacific, but I could hardly do that, you know I'm the incarnation of honesty. So I went to the nearest Barclay's branch, told them what happened, and do you know how they reacted? They thought I was joking and didn't even check whether I was telling the truth or not. Such an outrage! It made me so furious that I seriously considered my friends' suggestion to flee with the quid and let Barclay's find the million gap by themselves. It took me three Johny Walkers to stop steaming.
However, I went to another branch afterwards and their approach couldn't be different. When the lady at the counter saw my balance, I thought for a moment that her eyes would eventually jump out of their sockets. She called the manager immediately and then it was very quick. The mistake's been fixed, the main bank manager thanked me a lot, conratulated me on my honesty, wished me a long and healthy life and rewareded me with Ł300!
And with this, we're getting to the reason why I've been letter-silent for so long. Although Ł300 is quite a lousy sum compared to a million, it's enough to keep a person off her face for at least a week!

All the best,
P.S. It ' s good to be sober again, but not for long!

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